Web3において注目されている項目と、今後のWeb3についてのマイナスの影響 2023/1/4


質問: Web3において注目されている項目と、今後のWeb3についてのマイナスの影響について、ご見解をお聞かせください。

回答: Web3の定義:Web3とはネット上の不特定多数の運用でも信用が担保できるデータベース(ブロックチェーン)により提供されるサービス全般のことだと考えている。暗号資産やNFTもそのサービス形態の1つに過ぎない。今後注目度が上がるのはDAOになる。なぜなら、Web3を活用した組織のありようを決めるDAOこそが、今後提供されるサービスの人的核になるからである。





Here are the questions I received from the media related to Web3 and my answers to them.


Question: What are some of the items of interest in Web3 and what is your opinion on the negative impact of Web3 in the future?


Answer: Definition of Web3: I believe that Web3 is all services provided by a database (blockchain) that can guarantee trust even for unspecified operations on the Internet. Crypto assets and NFT are just one of the service forms. It will be DAOs that will attract more attention in the future. This is because DAOs, which determine the state of organizations utilizing Web3, will be the human core of the services to be provided in the future.


Although the FTX incident has had at least a short-term negative impact on crypto asset trading, we believe it will have a positive impact on the long-term growth of Web3 as a whole. This will weed out those who participate in Web3 solely for speculative profit and leave those who wish for healthy growth. In fact, after the FTX incident, I have received more inquiries from companies.


It will be more important in the future for Web3 to have a balanced business in the long term, where technological progress brings appropriate economic benefits to efforts that advance the social structure. Because IT technology is capable of handling the equivalent of money, if greed becomes too much for the money part, social contribution will be lost and the business will become speculative. If you only want to contribute to society but do not make a profit, you will not be able to sustain your business. It is more important to have a business that can balance and adjust these two aspects.


For example, there are excellent skilled workers in crowd outsourcing services such as Coconara, but currently the relationship between the party placing the order and the party receiving the order is one of payment only, so it is difficult for the party receiving the order to receive a certain level of compensation, no matter how excellent the quality and results of the finished work. We believe that if this can be made into a DAO-like organization whereby profits from deliverables can be shared, greater results can be expected by sharing profits between those who receive orders and those who place orders. Since we have several such ideas, it will be important to build a group of people who can implement them. The initial core members are important, just like starting a business.
